How to write an ATS-friendly CV.

person learning how to write an ats friendly cv

What is an ATS system? ATS stands for application tracking system. This is a bit of software that employers and businesses use to save time and money when sifting through CVs. It does this by automating the assessment, tracking and selection of CVS. In this article, we hope to show you how to write an […]

10 Questions to ask at the end of your job interview (and 10 not to ask).

questions to ask before a job interview

As your job interview wraps up, you’ll hear a question that most interviewers ask. ‘Do you have any questions for us?’ This is your chance to stand out. But what should you say? And more importantly, what shouldn’t you say? This is not only an opportunity for an employer to get to know you, but […]

Google Interview Warmup – is this the future of job preparation?

Introduction Preparing for a job interview can be a daunting task. Asking friends and family to help you out, or standing in front of a mirror can be awkward. If only there was something that you could practise your job interview skills with a bit more ease. Introducing Google Interview Warmup, a secret weapon to […]

Imposters Syndrome. What is it? Symptoms, causes and how to handle it.

Imposter Syndrome

Do you feel like a fraud? Imposter Syndrome is something that happens to a lot of us during the course of our lives, particularly in the work place. It can lead you to have thoughts at work such as: ‘I don’t have the right skills for this job’ ‘They’re going to find out I can’t […]

Core Skills That Employers Look For

Core skills employers look for

What are Core skills? Core skills have always been important for potential employees to have. However, in today’s world, AI tools are changing the way we work, and it’s easy to think that mastering these tools instead is the key to success in your career. However, what employers are seeking are intangible core skills, or […]

Trends in recruitment & talent acquisition to look out for in 2024

Trends in Recruitment

The recruitment and talent acquisition process is evolving, and staying ahead of the game is crucial for businesses wanting to attract and retain top talent. There are some big trends in recruitment that are shifting how we work dramatically. But how can you do this moving forward? In this article, we will delve into some […]

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

How to prepare for a job interview

You’ve made it to the interview stage—congratulations! It’s a significant milestone, but you may also feel anxious or uncertain. Don’t worry; our guide is here to show you how to prepare for a successful job interview. Just follow these tips, and we are sure you will ace the interview. Knowledge is Power Do your research […]